Elemental Instruments, a division of Ohio Lumex logo


EPA Grant Update: Phase 1 of SBIR Research Nearing Completion

In December of 2021, we made the announcement that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced…

Ohio Lumex receives $100,000 Grant from EPA

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced more than $3 million in funding to…

Ohio Lumex Instruments Used by EPA & Industrial Hygienists in Mercury Spill Cleanup at Texas USPS

On Tuesday, August 7th, a USPS processing and distribution center in Coppell, Texas experienced a mercury…
HCI, SO3 Sorbent Trap

HCl Sorbent Traps Approved as EPA Alternative Test Method

The United States Environmental Protection Agency recently approved a new Alternative Test Method for HCl measurement….
EPA Doubles Monetary Pentalties

EPA Doubles Monetary Penalties for Non-Compliance

As of August 1st of 2016, in order to improve their effectiveness as a deterrent, the…
Ohio Lumex logo in white


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