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HCl, HBr, and HF Sorbent Traps

Easy and effective measurements of hydrogen halides

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Hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen bromide (HBr), and hydrogen fluoride (HF) sorbent traps are used for measuring hydrogen halides in any sampling environment for engineering studies and control technology optimization, as well as stack measurement check-ups between quarterly testing.

HCl sorbent traps promise to provide a quick, easy, and effective alternative to FTIR and Method 26/26A. With reasonable sample volumes, it’s possible to quantify flue gas HCl concentrations lower than 0.1 PPMV. 

By using ion chromatography, each trap section is dissolved into just 10 mL of solution, thanks to a specially developed chloride extraction procedure. Low dilution means high chloride concentration, which in turn means lower sample volume requirements. We use a well-tested vapor phase spiking procedure, sampling spiked/unspiked pairs, to ensure method accuracy.

Product Details

HCl, HBr, and HF Sorbent Traps Features

  • Agreement with existing methods including M26/26A and M321
  • Low chloride background on the sorbent makes it easy to measure low levels
  • Aerosol pre-filter is available to prevent interference by chloride salts

HCl, HBr, and HF Sorbent Traps Technical Specifications

Please see attached flyer

Typical Applications for HCl, HBr, and HF Sorbent Traps

HCl Sorbent Traps:

  • An alternative to EPA Method 26 (M26)
  • Check HCl concentration in the stack prior to quarterly MATS testing (wet and dry sources)
  • Derive correlation between Hg oxidation and HCI concentration

HBr Sorbent Traps:

  • Determine HBr concentrations resulting from using calcium bromide injection for Hg oxidation
  • Use upstream and downstream of air preheaters (APH) to predict corrosion rates due to the interaction between HBr/hydrobromic acid and the APH basket material

Available Measurements for HCl, HBr, and HF Sorbent Traps

  • Hydrogen Bromide (HBr)
  • Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
  • Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)

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