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Marine Research

Using AquapHOx Deep Sea Sensors to Study Oxygen Dynamics of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome (SSWS)

Sea star wasting syndrome (SSWS) has emerged as a devastating phenomenon affecting starfish populations worldwide, fundamentally…
AquapHOx-LX loggers with Robust Screw Cap Probes

Evaluation of Year-Long Deployment of PyroScience Oxygen and pH AquapHOx®Loggers at Abyssal Depths

Two AquapHOx®-LX loggers with Robust Screw Cap Probes (PHROBSC-PK8T-SUB) were obtained from Ohio Lumex in May…

Using AquapHOx to Study Growth and Survival of Corals

Corals are one of the most graphic examples of how marine species can be negatively affected…
FireSting and Crabs

Using FireSting Oxygen Sensor Systems to Study Ecophysiology in Marine Species

For over 10 years, the scientists from the Polytechnic of Leiria in Portugal have been working…

Advantages of Optical pH Sensor Technology with AquapHOx Underwater Loggers and Transmitters

Optical pH sensors by PyroScience offer affordable, robust and reliable pH monitoring in global oceanic environments….

Supporting Marine Pollution studies with FireSting-PRO and AquapHOx system solutions

Ohio Lumex is proud to bring you PyroScience optical systems, including the well-known FireSting and the…
Monitoring Ocean Health with AquapHOx Optical Sensors

Monitoring Ocean Health with AquapHOx Optical Sensors

Since becoming commercially available at the end of last year, the new AquapHOx Underwater Loggers by…
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